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Welcome to our circuit!

Wharfedale and Aireborough is an area north of Leeds and Bradford encompassing post-industrial towns, rural communities and tourist hotspots.
Our worshipping congregations within our district, all offering a warm welcome and share a unifying passion to transform lives, share the Gospel and sustain hope.

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Prayer of the day

Lord, send us out.
Send us out from our buildings, full of history and comfort and meaning, and lead us into your world as your disciples where the story is still being written.
Send us out with our hearts full of love and concern and fear and hope, and lead us into your heart for this blessed and beautiful world where the story is still being written.
Continue to bless places for lonely people to gather; soup lunches and warm spaces; moves and renovations; missions and prayer gatherings; and all the ways we seek to move from where we are to where you want us to be.
Lord, send us out. And remind us – remind me – that the story is still being written. Amen.

Mary sings, "My soul magnifies the Lord".
But how can I make God greater?
Lord of life, in the way I live, move and inhabit my being,
mirror in me your extravagant love and expansive goodness.
Enlarge my soul: to bear witness to human destruction, riven by unspeakable violence.
Enlarge my soul: to rail against relentless consumption, upending the gentle balance of the earth.
Enlarge my soul: to speak out against power-seeking policies, indifferent to hunger and dismissive of need.
May my spirit dance to the intricately woven melody of prayer, praise and protest.
Be ever greater within me, that my soul may magnify the Lord forever. Amen.

Daily Bible Study

Jesus answered them, 'The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.' (v. 23)

John 12:20-33

Get In Touch

Wharfedale & Aireborough Methodist Circuit ℅ Menston Methodist Church
Main Street, Menston
LS29 6AH

07544 165040

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© 2024 – Wharfedale & Aireborough Methodist Circuit
Registered Charity no. 1132357