The Good News of Hebrews – Unravelling an Enigmatic Epistle
On Saturday the 12th May around 40 local preachers from across the District met at Yeadon Methodist Church for a study day on the Hebrews: An Introduction to an Engimatic Epistle led by Revd. Neil Richardson, ex President of Conference.
The day was broken up into 3 sessions: Jesus, Son of God – God with us, one of us. Jesus our High Priest – God for us and Run with Patience the Race Set before you. All 3 sessions were both educational and enlightening and gave insight into this difficult epistle.
On a personal note, the topmost thing I came away with was "With the writer of Hebrews, work backwards – from Jesus to the Old Testament. Maybe that has something to do with my Jewish upbringing!
Pauline Tate
Wharfedale & Aireborough Methodist Circuit ℅ Menston Methodist Church
Main Street, Menston
LS29 6AH