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Thursday of Holy Week (Maundy Thursday)

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For each of the meditations, there is a Bible passage to take us through Holy Week, followed by a meditation on the passage "in a few words". This will be followed by questions for you to think about. The questions will be the same every day

"One final meal..."
Read Matthew 26: 17-30...slowly...

Questioning disciples
"Where shall we eat?"
The time is near
A house prepared
A meal shared
With the Twelve
Growing shadow of
Betrayal prophesied
Betrayal spoken about
"Not me, Lord!"
"Surely not me!"
A loaf of bread
Broken bread
Jesus saying

"Take and eat"

"This is my body"

A shared cup

"This is my blood"

"Shed for all"

"Forgiveness offered"

Eat and drink

Bread and wine

For you

One final meal

To Gethsemane...

To Calvary...

Are there any particular words, images which strike you from reading the Scripture or the meditation?

What might God be saying to you?

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Wharfedale & Aireborough Methodist Circuit ℅ Menston Methodist Church
Main Street, Menston
LS29 6AH


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Registered Charity no. 1132357