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Rev Tim Perkins

rev tim perkins

I am the Superintendent Minister of the Circuit having taken on that role in Sept 2019. I am in my second appointment as a Methodist Minister having come to this Circuit in 2008. I currently hold oversight of the Churches at Burley in Wharfedale and Menston.

The first seven years of my ministry were spent in the Newbury and Hungerford Circuit of the Southampton District. I also have four years' experience of lay work in the church in Clitheroe and Nottingham.

My Ministerial training took place at Wesley House, Cambridge, where I gained an MA in Pastoral Theology. Prior to that I gained a Batchelor of Divinity degree from the University of Wales -- Aberystwyth and spent a year studying at Cliff College.

I have served as the former Leeds District Representative on the Methodist Council, and as such, on both the District Leadership Team and the District Policy Committee.

I am married to Lyndsey and we have 2 sons.

I love preaching and teaching and small group work and in my spare time I am developing interest in photography and cinema. I am also an avid supporter of Leicester City Football Club!

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Wharfedale & Aireborough Methodist Circuit ℅ Menston Methodist Church
Main Street, Menston
LS29 6AH


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Registered Charity no. 1132357